How Martial Arts Saved My Life & Helped Me Close Millions w/ Shawn Kunkler
Welcome to the Realtor180 Podcast! In this episode, we will explore the personal journey of Shawn Kunkler a martial arts enthusiast, and how his experiences in martial arts have shaped his career in the world of real estate. Shawn's story is a testament to the transformative power of martial arts and the valuable lessons it can teach us beyond the realm of combat. Let's delve into his martial arts journey and uncover the three key lessons he applies to his successful career in real estate.
Discipline: Going the Extra Mile
Discipline is a commonly associated trait in martial arts, but for Shawn, it goes beyond the surface level. From a young age, he was captivated by kung fu movies during his battle with asthma. As he grew older, he recognized the health benefits of exercise and saw martial arts as the perfect avenue for physical development. However, the path was not always easy. There were days when training was tough, and instructors pushed him to his limits. Through these challenges, Shawn learned the true essence of discipline – doing what is necessary even when the motivation wavers. This unwavering mental focus has become a valuable asset in his real estate career, enabling him to navigate through difficult situations and stay committed to achieving his goals.
Intuition: Reading the Opponent, Anticipating the Market
In martial arts, the ability to read and interpret an opponent's movements is crucial for success. Shawn developed a high level of intuition through years of training, allowing him to anticipate and intercept his opponent's next move. He discovered that this skill could be applied beyond the confines of the training mat. In the realm of real estate, Shawn realized that experience plays a vital role in understanding the market and foreseeing potential challenges. Just as he would analyze his opponent's actions, he now leverages his intuition to help his clients make informed decisions and navigate potential obstacles before they even arise. This invaluable ability to read the market gives him a competitive edge and ensures his clients receive the best guidance.
Punctuality: If You're Not Early, You're Late
One of the most important lessons Shawn learned from his martial arts teacher was the value of punctuality. In martial arts, being late to class meant enduring additional physical challenges and waiting for the instructor's permission to join. This lesson instilled a deep respect for time and punctuality in Shawn's mindset. Today, this principle has transcended the boundaries of the training hall and has become an integral part of his professional life. Whether it's meeting clients, attending meetings, or managing projects, Shawn's commitment to punctuality reflects his respect for others' time and ensures smooth and efficient operations within his real estate endeavors.
Shawn's journey through martial arts has left an indelible mark on his personal and professional life. The discipline, intuition, and punctuality he honed through years of training have seamlessly translated into his real estate career. By embracing these martial arts principles, Shawn has cultivated a strong work ethic, the ability to read and adapt to the ever-changing market, and a deep sense of respect for time. It serves as a reminder that the lessons we learn outside our chosen careers can often be the catalysts for success within them. So, next time you encounter a challenge, remember Shawn's story and the transformative power of martial arts in shaping a successful career path.
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Your host Shawn Kunkler is a San Francisco Realtor and the founder of the Homeward Associates team at Compass.